CEO-CIO Alignment Program
Assuming you and your boss are on the same page when it comes to the vision of IT is as unwise as it is unlikely. Formalize your communication and goal setting to ensure your vision and direction align.
We can help you…
Extracting the vision and goals of the IT department from the top stakeholder is a hard, tedious, meeting-driven process that is often not documented for future goal setting.
As the leader of IT, if you don’t clearly understand the role of IT and what your boss expects, you risk wasting time and money working on priorities that aren’t aligned with business goals.
Root Cause
It is very hard to ensure that you and your top stakeholder are on the same page. Mind-reading is very difficult, and without a formal process for aligning you with your boss, you risk misalignment.
The CEO-CIO Alignment program is designed to identify and help you close the gaps between your vision for IT and your boss’s vision for IT. This program aligns you with your boss so that you are confident that you are leading IT in the right direction by asking the right questions.